University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2022 Photography Capstone Show
Featuring bodies of work created by the seven graduates from the Undergraduate Photography Program.
Luiz Bicalho
Jamie Ciarmataro
Rachel Dufresne
Jacob Fay
Andy Fernandes
Mary Roberts
Dakota Shwedo
Michael Skahan
Alissa Taxiera
Exhibition on view from May 5 through May 15.
Opening Reception/AHA! Night: Thursday, May 12 (5-8pm)
To enter the slideshow of works click on any image below.

This virtual exhibition is made possible through a grant from
the SouthCoast Emergency Response Fund, of the SouthCoast Community Foundation.
Special Thanks to James Correia for photographing in-gallery work.
Gallery X community art exhibitions are made possible through the generosity and support of
the Island Foundation as well as our members, patrons, and exhibiting artists