Open Windows, Open House
Join Gallery X as we celebrate the uncovering of the  stained glass windows that grace the walls of our historic William Street home!
Light refreshments and conversations will be aplenty during this free event.
PLUS a special live performance by KT Lee
Be sure to invite your friends and family to this unique opportunity!
30 years ago, in January 1995, Gallery X moved into the 1855 Universalist Church building at 169 William Street. Our members and supporters worked diligently, tackling numerous projects in order to convert the former church to an art gallery. One of those tasks involved creating additional wall space for exhibitions by covering the 6 large stained glass windows that grace the east and west walls of the Main Gallery. And so for decades the windows sat patiently behind layers of wood, plaster, and paint as hundreds of exhibitions were hung over them and countless visitors passed by unaware of what lay underneath.
Then beginning in 2023, with the support of grant funding from the New Bedford Community Preservation Committee and the Enhanced Facade Improvement Program, restoration work began on the turn-of-the-century windows. This work included removing, dismantling, cleaning, and fully rebuilding the 4 stained glass windows along the front facade of our home; removing the old and rotted storm windows from all of the stained glass windows and replacing them with new insulated protective glazing; and finally converting the interior wall coverings on the sidewall windows to insulated, protective cabinet-style doors.
There were countless people and organizations that made this project possible, but we would be remiss to not acknowledge the support and hard work of:
New Bedford Office of Housing & Community Development
Kevin Sullivan • Patrick Sullivan
New Bedford’s Enhanced Facade Improvement (ARPA)
Program Mayor Jon Mitchell
New Bedford Community Preservation Committee
Jessica Bailey • Janine da Silva
Guido’s Plate Glass Service
New England Stained Glass
Owl Eye Landscaping, Painting & Carpentry
Tom Kummer