Call for Art!
Intent to Participate Deadline: March 10
Date to Select Recycled Materials at State Pier: TBA (mid-March)
Date to Select Materials at Gallery X: TBA (pending availability)
Gallery X invites artists to create artwork incorporating recycled items associated with the historic Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey.
Gallery X is inviting artists to create artwork by incorporating recycled items made available by Massachusetts Maritime Academy associated with the historic Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey. Artists are encouraged to use their creativity with parts and pieces of marine hardware, metal, wood, line, wire rope, etc. to reuse or incorporate these into their art projects. Thanks to grant support there will be no cost for artists to use the materials or participate in the exhibition.
The resulting artwork created from the materials will be exhibited in Ship Shape II at Gallery X from May 14 to June 7. The exhibit will also include other works relating to the Ernestina-Morrissey and other marine themed work (additional call for art coming soon). There will be a gallery opening on May 17 and one or more special events revolving around the Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey and maritime and Cape Verdean themes.
**The material is located at State Pier in New Bedford. The date or dates on which artists may select and must remove material are under discussion with MMA’s staff and the vessel’s crew. We expect this will occur around the middle of March. Artists need to let Gallery X know of their interest/intent to create work from the recycled Ernestina-Morrissey materials by March 10. Depending on the availability of materials, artist may be able to retrieve materials from Gallery X following the initial pickup date at State Pier. The deadline to submit the completed work will be Sunday, May 11.**
For information about the material contact Chuck Smiler: (508-454-1897).
To express interest in selecting materials please contact Gallery X: (508-992-2675)
For additional information about Ship Shape II contact curator Chuck Hauck: (508-996-9768)
Submission Guidelines and Info
This is a non-juried show, all artists and media are welcome
• Submission Fees: Thanks to grant support submission fees for ALL artists are waived!
• The sale of exhibited artwork will be handled by Gallery X and will be subject to a 20% commission (commissions will be fully waived pending additional grant funding).
Looking to save time? Print your submission slips ahead of time and have everything ready to go when you bring in your artwork! Please note if you are printing your own submission slip you must use the file below and bring 2 copies to the gallery (1 that will be attached to the piece and a 2nd that is given to the gallery attendant).
No printer? No worries… We have submission slips ready and waiting in the gallery!