Call for Art!
Submission Dates: October 24 through November 3.
On View: November 6 through November 30, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 9, 2024 (5-8:00pm)
Aha! Night: Thursday, November 14 (5-8:00pm)
With Paw Prints: Animals & Society we invite artists to explore the dynamic relationship between humans and animals. Your artwork can feature any creature, from the tiniest insects to majestic blue whales, or even fictional, mythological, and imagine beings.
We encourage a wide range of interpretations–whether representational or abstract–and welcome all forms of media. Reflect on how animals have been portray throughout history and consider themes ranging from companionship to exploitation. Art serves as a powerful medium for dialogue. Are non-human animals our co-inhabitants in this vast world, or are they subjects of exploitation? Share your vision and contribute to this ongoing conversation through your creative work.
All artists, working in any media are invited to submit their artwork, you do not have to be a member of Gallery X to participate! Interested artist may bring their artwork fitting the theme to Gallery X during regular gallery hours or by appointment from Thursday, October 24 through Sunday, November 3.
Submission Guidelines and Info
Please send any questions to
This is a non-juried show, all artists and media are welcome
• Submission Fees (for non-members): $15 for the first piece, $10 for each additional piece, 5 maximum. GX members submit work for free!
• All forms of media are accepted; paintings, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, etc.
• All work must be ready to hang and include proper hanging attachments (wire, sawtooth hanger, etc.). Pedestals are available for sculptures, three dimensional work, or jewelry.
• Gallery X handles all sales and retains a 35% commission on any sale made by non-members. Members are subject to 25% commission on works sold. Works do not have to be for sale to be included in the exhibition.
Looking to save time? Print your submission slips ahead of time and have everything ready to go when you bring in your artwork! Please note if you are printing your own submission slip you must use the file below and bring 2 copies to the gallery (1 that will be attached to the piece and a 2nd that is given to the gallery attendant).
No printer? No worries… We have printed submission slips ready and waiting in the gallery!



In Their Eyes

Like Father, Like Son

Little Dogs in Big Sweaters

Nephew’s Sunshine